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Bayfield is for People not Opportunists

As we forge our way ahead we have to be mindful that there are long term residents who call this place home, their only home. We have to be careful not to bow to the wishes of the special interest groups who are weekend or seasonal visitors who want to bring the city with them. That is not Bayfield. One issue which merits attention is the proliferation of Bed and Breakfast operations which have sprung up all over our community. The term Air BNB has become a moniker to describe them no matter what their affiliation. Bluewater Municipality is in danger of selling out to these opportunisits by allowing them contrary to existing zoning which prohibits them. If permanent residents wanted to live next to a mobile park rental or seasonal facility or motel that is their choice but don't force this on already established neighbourhood where they are prohibited. If they were to be licensed and inspected and business set up with CRA I know there would be fewer opportunists . I vote no to a dog park as uncessary look around folks we live in the country.

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