I Am Huron

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I Am Huron 2025 Campaign Nomination Form

The Huron County Immigrant Advisory Council in partnership with the Huron County Immigration Partnership is calling for nominations for the I Am Huron campaign. The campaign was developed to celebrate newcomers living in Huron County and their contributions to their communities.

Huron County is home to many skilled and talented individuals from all over the world. Immigrants contribute greatly to our welcoming and inclusive community. This campaign aims to recognize and celebrate the ways that newcomers enrich our culture in a meaningful way. We want to showcase individuals who have made a positive impact on communities in Huron County.

Do you know any immigrants, who currently live in Huron County, and whose contribution to the community should be recognized? If so, nominate them for this campaign!

A review committee will choose the individuals who will be selected as the faces of I Am Huron 2025. This campaign will share their stories through print and social media. The campaign will run from March to October 2025, followed by a celebration event in November.

To be part of this campaign yourself, or to nominate someone you think would be a good fit, please fill out the form below by April 30, 2025.

We look forward to receiving nominations and thank you for your interest in our campaign!

Any questions can be sent to the Huron County Immigration Partnership Outreach Officer, Emma Hunking, at ehunking@huroncounty.ca.

I Am Huron 2025 Campaign Nomination Form

The Huron County Immigrant Advisory Council in partnership with the Huron County Immigration Partnership is calling for nominations for the I Am Huron campaign. The campaign was developed to celebrate newcomers living in Huron County and their contributions to their communities.

Huron County is home to many skilled and talented individuals from all over the world. Immigrants contribute greatly to our welcoming and inclusive community. This campaign aims to recognize and celebrate the ways that newcomers enrich our culture in a meaningful way. We want to showcase individuals who have made a positive impact on communities in Huron County.

Do you know any immigrants, who currently live in Huron County, and whose contribution to the community should be recognized? If so, nominate them for this campaign!

A review committee will choose the individuals who will be selected as the faces of I Am Huron 2025. This campaign will share their stories through print and social media. The campaign will run from March to October 2025, followed by a celebration event in November.

To be part of this campaign yourself, or to nominate someone you think would be a good fit, please fill out the form below by April 30, 2025.

We look forward to receiving nominations and thank you for your interest in our campaign!

Any questions can be sent to the Huron County Immigration Partnership Outreach Officer, Emma Hunking, at ehunking@huroncounty.ca.

  • Nominee Personal Information
    Please provide accurate responses to the personal information questions below about yourself or the individual being nominated if you are making a nomination on behalf of another individual. This information is necessary to respond to your nomination application. If the information is not complete, we may not be able to accept your nomination.

    By submitting this application, you understand that this information will be shared with the Huron County Immigration Partnership, and I Am Huron review committee. You understand that we will be collecting applications until the end of the nomination period, after which time you will be contacted about the status of your application.

    If you require assistance completing this form please contact Emma, at 519-441-8024 or ehunking@huroncounty.ca.

    We sincerely thank you for your interest in the first I Am Huron campaign and look forward to reviewing your nomination.

    The personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and may be subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990. Information will be used for the purposes of developing a volunteer data bank within the County of Huron's Economic Development department, specifically by the Huron County Immigration Partnership. The personal information may also be used by authorized staff at the County of Huron as database host for the purposes of administering and maintaining the data based on which the personal information is kept.

    Questions about this collection should be directed to the County Clerk, 1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2. Telephone (519) 524-8394.

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 14 Mar 2025, 12:34 PM