October 05 2022

Anticipated Approval of Official Plan Amendment by Huron County Council

September 06 2022

Anticipated Adoption of Official Plan Amendment by North Huron Council

July 25 2022

In-Person Public Meeting

The Council of the Township of North Huron has scheduled a public meeting to gather public input before they may consider adopting the draft amendment.

The North Huron community is invited to participate in an in-person Public Meeting on Monday, July 25th at 6:00pm at the North Huron Town Hall Theatre, 274 Josephine St., Wingham, Township of North Huron.

During this time, the Township of North Huron will be considering the Official Plan amendment.

Have Your Say:

Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation, either in support of or in opposition to the proposed official plan amendment.

1. You may submit comments, objections, or concerns by email to Hanna Holman, Planner, at hholman@huroncounty.ca or to Carson Lamb, Clerk, at clamb@northhuron.ca.

2. You may speak during the public meeting. Individuals are encouraged to submit their comments before the meeting for consideration.

Comments and opinions submitted on the Official Plan Review, including the originator’s name and address, become part of the public record, and may be viewed by the general public and may be published in a planning report and Council agenda. We encourage written comments to be submitted by July 19, 2022.

Your Rights:

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of North Huron before the Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the County of Huron to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

If a person or public body does not make an oral submission at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of North Huron before the Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body.

April 20 → April 22 2022

Public Open Houses

Members of the North Huron community are invited to participate in Public Open House sessions to discuss draft changes to the North Huron Official Plan. The public will have an opportunity to review draft policies and mapping, ask questions and provide comments.

Multiple Open House sessions are being held as follows:

  • Wednesday, April 20th – 6:00pm via electronic format. Details on participation will be available upon request or posted closer to meeting date on project page on Huron County Connects
  • Thursday, April 21st - 2:00pm to 9:00pm at Blyth Community Centre (Arena Hall) at 377 Gypsy Lane, Blyth
  • Friday, April 22nd - 10:00am to 3:00pm at North Huron Westcast Community Complex (Hot Stove Lounge Meeting Room) at 99 Kerr Drive, Wingham

March 24 2022

Draft Amendment Received in Public Council Workshop

The draft policy text is available for review here(External link).

The draft designation (mapping changes) are available for review on this project page. Individual landowners with proposed mapping changes will receive a further detailed map and notice via mail.

These proposed changes and the first draft were discussed in a public Township Council meeting on March 24, 2022(External link). Direction was provided to prepare notices to members of the community and to schedule public open house dates.

February 24 2022

Special Public Meeting of Council

The Council of the Township of North Huron will hold a Special Meeting of Council to discuss revisions that may be required to the North Huron Official Plan. The community is invited to share ideas about their vision for the Township and the policy direction to manage future land use and growth.

The report and presentation are available for review in the Council agenda here(External link)(External link).

January 17 2022

Initiation of Review

At their January 17, 2022 Council Meeting, Township of North Huron Council provided direction to commence a review of the Township of North Huron Official Plan.  

January 17, 2022 Planning report to North Huron Council recommending initiation of review(External link)