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Pending progression in Bayfield

I would like to start by saying I’m all in with the revitalization of our downtown area and the plan of expansion of a retail and services sector.

My concerns are simple and complex.
when street lighting is considered in all areas, we need to ensure it is always “ground level” lighting - please avoid the flood light syndrome. We are on a migratory path and the “used car lot” lighting is bad for birds and our night sky viewing.

Next, when it comes to higher density dwellings, don’t assume they will be for residential full time owners. The amount of short term rentals in Bayfield is becoming the norm in my area. Different groups of people and their unleashed dogs every weekend.

What is the plan for revitalization of the main beach too? If Bayfield is promoting itself as a beach destination something needs to done to make it a beach destination. Currently the north marina is “overwhelmed” on weekends with cars parking wherever they please, more unleaded dogs, toilet paper up and down the side of the road. The private beach is packed. The public beaches are not?!

Other than that… progress is good, Bayfield has a good plan for the future as far as I can see.

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