Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Welcome to the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Community Consultation Hub!

The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh understands the importance of parks, recreation programs, and facilities for its community members. The Township is developing a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan to guide the provision of its recreation services over the next 10 years.

Your input is a critical part of this process!

The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh wants to develop a Plan that will best serve the community, so we want to hear from YOU!

  • What parks or facilities do you or your household like to use?
  • What recreation programs, activities or events do you and your household like to attend?
  • What are your wishes for parks and recreation in Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh?

Use the consultation tools on this page to participate by sharing your ideas and comments.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please feel free to contact a member of the consultation team, their contact information can be found under “Who’s Listening.”

Welcome to the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Community Consultation Hub!

The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh understands the importance of parks, recreation programs, and facilities for its community members. The Township is developing a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan to guide the provision of its recreation services over the next 10 years.

Your input is a critical part of this process!

The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh wants to develop a Plan that will best serve the community, so we want to hear from YOU!

  • What parks or facilities do you or your household like to use?
  • What recreation programs, activities or events do you and your household like to attend?
  • What are your wishes for parks and recreation in Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh?

Use the consultation tools on this page to participate by sharing your ideas and comments.

If you have any questions regarding the project, please feel free to contact a member of the consultation team, their contact information can be found under “Who’s Listening.”