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I have been coming to Bayfield for the past 35 years. I have seen many changes. Some good some bad. Bayfield is considered an 'Historic' town. Always has been and always should be. Many of the old cottages of the past have been torn down, and replaced with either two more houses and much more modern. The beach of the Bayfield past was a place to come to. I looked forward to the day at the beach. Right now there is no beach to visit. Erosion has taken over. I should hope that this is a major concern for the 'future' of Bayfield. I honestly have not seen much being done to help with erosion. I have seen a few brand new cottages or homes being built right by the water, and wonder how this helps the erosion problem or how they got permission to do so. The downtown was a place to come to, each shop had a uniqueness. There are a few shops that are unique, but if there were more interesting and unique shops, this would attract more visitors. The local archives, a great building, amazing artifacts. This is another area that needs addressed. I have tried numerous times, by email and phone to get assistance in a research project, and have gotten no repsonse. People may read this and think I live in the 'past'. That may be true, but I also respect the past and the way things were. I also realize that Bayfield is moving forward, and looking to the future. Bayfield is not the only town in Ontario doing so. But I see time and time again is that these towns are forgetting about their past. So I ask, what is the future of Bayfield? When I started coming to Bayfield 35 years ago, I could answer that question. Today, I have a tough answering that. Tim Hortons has already been allowed to set up shop. Which once they are settled, many more like it come. The garbage, that places like this create for towns is horrendous. Every time I go for a walk, I now see timmies cups everywhere, this goes along with the numerous beer bottles and beer cans I see laying around. So, my point in this story. Bayfield wants to move into the future, how about take care of the past and present first.
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