CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Respectful Dog Owner

We have lived in the village for a number of years. What a beautiful community we live in. I look forward to a solid type of walkway along Main Street. It has been a long time coming.

I would also look forward to having a dog park. I realize the location is a number one concern for many. But really, dog owners are responsible people. Yes, once in awhile someone has not cleaned up after their dog and is this just like finding litter? Yes it is! Both not acceptable but it happens.

If you actually go visit other communities’ dog parks, the barking is minimal and everyone cleans up.
Bayfield is in need of an area for dogs to socialize and run. Are you not living in a time where inclusiveness is an important component. Not so if dog owners’ wishes can not be considered.

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Consultation has concluded

Lorelei Lingard about 4 years ago
I have lived in Bayfield for many years, raised my children here and intend to retire here. I support the need to include an appropriate off-leash area for dogs in Bayfield's future plan. Dog parks are a standard service in many municipalities, and there are many models to follow to ensure that such a community service is appropriate and safe. A dog park would be an asset to Bayfield, an attraction to future homebuyers, and a source of community engagement and interaction. 
Share I have lived in Bayfield for many years, raised my children here and intend to retire here. I support the need to include an appropriate off-leash area for dogs in Bayfield's future plan. Dog parks are a standard service in many municipalities, and there are many models to follow to ensure that such a community service is appropriate and safe. A dog park would be an asset to Bayfield, an attraction to future homebuyers, and a source of community engagement and interaction.  on Facebook Share I have lived in Bayfield for many years, raised my children here and intend to retire here. I support the need to include an appropriate off-leash area for dogs in Bayfield's future plan. Dog parks are a standard service in many municipalities, and there are many models to follow to ensure that such a community service is appropriate and safe. A dog park would be an asset to Bayfield, an attraction to future homebuyers, and a source of community engagement and interaction.  on Twitter Share I have lived in Bayfield for many years, raised my children here and intend to retire here. I support the need to include an appropriate off-leash area for dogs in Bayfield's future plan. Dog parks are a standard service in many municipalities, and there are many models to follow to ensure that such a community service is appropriate and safe. A dog park would be an asset to Bayfield, an attraction to future homebuyers, and a source of community engagement and interaction.  on Linkedin Email I have lived in Bayfield for many years, raised my children here and intend to retire here. I support the need to include an appropriate off-leash area for dogs in Bayfield's future plan. Dog parks are a standard service in many municipalities, and there are many models to follow to ensure that such a community service is appropriate and safe. A dog park would be an asset to Bayfield, an attraction to future homebuyers, and a source of community engagement and interaction.  link