Huron County Cycling Master Plan

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Huron County is developing the Huron County Cycling Master Plan (CMP) to make the County more comfortable, more accessible and more convenient for people who bike to get around. By creating a plan to build new cycling routes, trails, connections and crossings, the County will build on its existing investments to support more choice in how people get around. The CMP will also help to connect residents and visitors alike to organizations and groups who are making it easier to bike in the County, giving them new ways to connect with their community at a human scale.

As the plan progresses, the project team wants to hear from you about how the County can improve cycling and connect you to the places you want to go. Hearing from the people who are most impacted by decisions about investments in Huron County is a vital component of this project – we want to create a plan that is informed by the lived experiences of all people who call Huron County home.

Ultimately, the Huron County Cycling Master Plan will help the County to chart a path forward that strengthens relationships between local municipalities and the County, identifies necessary investments to improve and promote cycling and creates the conditions for the County to become a leader in cycle tourism in Ontario. We're excited to see where the CMP goes next, and invite you to follow along!

Draft Plan Coming Soon!

Huron County is developing the Huron County Cycling Master Plan (CMP) to make the County more comfortable, more accessible and more convenient for people who bike to get around. By creating a plan to build new cycling routes, trails, connections and crossings, the County will build on its existing investments to support more choice in how people get around. The CMP will also help to connect residents and visitors alike to organizations and groups who are making it easier to bike in the County, giving them new ways to connect with their community at a human scale.

As the plan progresses, the project team wants to hear from you about how the County can improve cycling and connect you to the places you want to go. Hearing from the people who are most impacted by decisions about investments in Huron County is a vital component of this project – we want to create a plan that is informed by the lived experiences of all people who call Huron County home.

Ultimately, the Huron County Cycling Master Plan will help the County to chart a path forward that strengthens relationships between local municipalities and the County, identifies necessary investments to improve and promote cycling and creates the conditions for the County to become a leader in cycle tourism in Ontario. We're excited to see where the CMP goes next, and invite you to follow along!

Draft Plan Coming Soon!

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Map your comments!

over 1 year

We want to hear from you - what destinations are important for us to consider? What routes are already comfortable for people to ride? Where would you most like to see improvements or changes? Use the pins to tell us more about your experience cycling in Huron County!

When identifying destinations, make sure you let us know what kind of destination you're highlighting.

When identifying bike routes that are already comfortable, please tell us a bit about why you like them and;

When identifying cycling routes that require improvement, please tell us what kinds of improvements you would like to see (improved surface quality, paved shoulders, signage etc)

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 02 Aug 2023, 11:39 AM